VTG offers a variety of herbs; this article will assist as a guide in understanding which herbs will work best for you. Many of our herbs can be made into delicious teas and syrups to help you on your health journey.

Burdock Root - Antioxidant, purifies blood while improving blood sugar to aid in treating diabetes, can be used as an aphrodisiac, helps treat skin conditions such as acne and skin irritation, removes water retention, reduces inflammation.
Sarsaparilla - Reduces joint pain, inflammation, and skin irritation such as psoriasis and eczema; kills bacteria. Protects the liver. Helps with the absorption of other herbs and is iron rich to helps with anemia.
Milk Thistle - Natural treatment for liver issues, gallbladder disorder, has heart benefits, can lower cholesterol, helps with Type 2 diabetes, reduces inflammation, and acts as an antioxidant.
Hawthorn Leaf & Flowers - Used for issues with digestion such as diarrhea, intestinal issues, ulcers, menstrual problems, stomach pain, and reduces anxiety. Can also be used for heart health.
Papaya Leaf - Promotes hair growth and healthy skin/scalp. Reduces bloating, menstrual pain, and supports digestion. Helps clean the color and liver.
Marshmallow Root - Treats coughs and colds, natural pain reliever, relieves skin irritation and heals wounds. Aids in digestion, acts as a diuretic, and antioxidant.
Licorice Root - Helps with hyperpigmentation, antioxidant, protects the skin, anti-aging benefits, brightens skin, treats acne, and soothes sensitive skin.
Echinacea Purpurea - Boosts immune system, prevents colds, aids to help fight against infection. Alleviates pain associated with sore throat.
Senna Leaf - Natural laxative, assists with cleansing the colon.
Fenugreek - Lowers blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, and aids in appetite control. In women fenugreek can increase breast milk supply-- can also increase testosterone levels.
Dandelion Root - Can reduce risks of cancer, helps with lowering blood pressure, boosts the immune system, regulated blood sugar.
Elderberries - Antioxidant, boosts immune systems, relieves stress for a healthy heart, and relieves inflammation.
Hibiscus Flowers - The heart flowers that helps maintain and reduce high blood pressure.
Lavender Flowers - Helps improve sleep, promotes hair growth, reduces heart rate, and helps with attacking fungus growth.
Chamomile Flowers - Calming flower, helps with relaxations, stress, and aids you to receive a good nights rest. May also settle an upset stomach, and calms gas and bloating. Caffeine free and great for children as well.
Dried Wildcrafted Sea Moss - Improves overall mood, rids body of mucus, supports thyroid health, increases libido, aids in weight loss, fights against cancer, boosts energy levels, great source of iron, contains 92 of the 110 minerals that your body is composed of, helps with immune sustem.